Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Disney for Easter! (day 2--Animal Kingdom)

On Sunday we went to Animal Kingdom! The first place we went was to see the Tree of Life. It had hundreds of animals carved into the wood! We walked down through there to get to A Bug's Life show. It was so cool. It was a 3D show with lots of special effects. Hazel got upset when she got sprayed with "bug spray"(water).
We also went on the Safari and saw lots of animals!

There are Hippos in the water here!

And a tall Giraffe!

Our guide called this an Upside down Tree, because it looks like the roots are on the top. He said all animals were given something to plant and the hyenas planted their tree upside down, and they are still laughing about it.
Here is "big red" the mama elephant.

We have many more animal pictures, rhinos, flamingos, lions....

Right as we were leaving the Safari, a parade started! We were right upfront this time! It was awesome! We go to meet different characters and there were people dancing on giant stilts! Even Minnie Mouse was on a float!

This is where Daddy's camera batteries went dead. The last thing we saw before we left was the Lion King show. It was amazing! There was dancing, singing and acrobatics. There were people twirling batons--On fire! It was definitely a great way to end our visit!

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